Travel Funding

Sport New Zealand Rural Travel Funding

Kaipara District Council and Far North District Council both receive investment from Sport NZ to administer a Rural Travel Fund.

The Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund is designed to help subsidise travel for junior sports teams (5 to 19 year olds) participating in their local sport competition. This is to help ease the barrier and increase numbers and opportunities for children in playing or gaining skills in sport.

Kaipara District Council and the Far North District Council support travel to sporting activities. To find out more, click on the links below.​​​​​​​

Those who don't fit the criteria of the Rural Travel Fund administered by the Kaipara District Council or the Far North District Council are welcome to apply for Tū Manawa Travel funding here - see information below on Tū Manawa Travel Funding:

Tū Manawa Travel Funding

Applications to the fund must show travel funding will be used:

  • for students to access current or new physical activity opportunities such as sports, active recreation or play. Examples can be, Northland Secondary Schools Sports events, Whangārei Primary Schools Sports events, Active Recreation Trips, or Kapa Haka performing.
  • for either during school or out-of-school times;
  • for either primary or secondary school aged students; and
  • as part of a group (e.g schools or clubs) ​​​​​​​
  • ​​​​​​​travel must be within Northland

2024/2025 Funding Dates

Applications OPEN. 

Please apply one month before the travel date, so it gives the internal panel time to process the application. We will not fund retrospective travel (travel that has already taken place)

Once an application is received, the application is reviewed by an internal panel straight away. Following this, applicants are notified of the outcome within 1-2 weeks of submitting the application.​​​​​​​

Funding Cap

We have $25k to distribute for travel costs for the financial year. Organisations can apply for up to $2000 per financial year.


When your activity is complete, you will need to fill out an Final Reporting Form detailing how you spent the money. 

Ma wai e tono? | Who can apply?

Ko wai e kore e taea te tono? | Who cannot apply?

Are you applying for more than just travel?

​​​​​​​Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa is an activation fund for community organisations to deliver physical activity projects for tamariki and rangatahi. The fund enables organisations to provide quality play, active recreation and sport opportunities for tamariki (children aged 5-11) and rangatahi (young people aged 12-18), particularly for those who are less active.

To know more about the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Fund, please follow the link HERE